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Gallery A: Object Movies - Demonstrates some uses of QTVR Object Movies for e-Commerce applications or Digital Archival situations.

Gallery B: The Little Dove's Progress - Come Sailing with Mastery Multimedia on The Duyfken! A QTVR documentary of 2 years of shipwrights at work on this living history site, taking The Duyfken from bare ribs to full sailing rig.

Gallery C: Commercial and Industrial - the Landscape and People Exhibition at the Western Australian Museum, photographed with a Spheron Panocam. Also features an iSite Aerospheric Pano with VRHotwires image rollovers and a Real Estate Virtual Tour.

Gallery D: Wrinkles in Time - Our contributions to the global synchronised panmoramic Wrinkle in Time events dating from the inaugural: A Wrinkle in Time Dec 1997, to Wrinkle 2000, shot on 01/01/2000.

Gallery E: Guilderton to Dunsborough: Coastal WA Scenes - Features a 3-Node mapsaVR Interactive Virtual Tour of the Moore River, a view from Canning River Bridge, and panoramas from other coastal areas of Western Australia.

Gallery F: Art Pieces - Features our award-winning QuickTime VR-based Interactive Poem "From the American Book of Answers" and other QTVR Art Pieces created using Painter, Bryce and Kai's Power Tools.

this page last updated December 27, 2010


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